
Spinal fusion

Average cost for this procedure is between USD 6850 to USD 8100.

It may vary based on different factors e.g. diagnosis, age, post surgical complication, age, length of stay in the hospital, opted facility etc.

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that involves joining two or more vertebrae in the spine to stabilize and eliminate motion between them. The procedure is often performed to treat various spinal conditions that cause instability, such as degenerative disc disease, spinal deformities, fractures, or as a follow-up to other spinal surgeries.

Here is an overview of spinal fusion:

Indication: Spinal fusion is recommended when there is instability or abnormal movement between vertebrae, which may be causing pain, nerve compression, or other symptoms.


There are different surgical approaches to spinal fusion, including:

Posterolateral fusion (PLF): Fusion is performed from the back of the spine.

Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF): Fusion is done from the back, and a portion of the disc is removed.Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF): Fusion is performed from the front, and a portion of the disc is removed.

Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF): Similar to PLIF but with a different angle of approach.

Bone Grafting: The fusion process involves the use of bone grafts. The bone graft can be obtained from the patient's own hip (autograft), donated bone (allograft), or synthetic bone substitutes. The graft serves as a bridge between the vertebrae and promotes the growth of new bone.

Hardware: In some cases, metal implants such as screws, rods, and cages may be used to stabilize the spine during the fusion process. These implants help maintain alignment and provide additional support during the healing period.

Healing Process: Over time, the bone graft stimulates the growth of new bone, fusing the adjacent vertebrae together. This process is known as spinal fusion. It usually takes several months for the fusion to become solid.

Recovery: Recovery after spinal fusion varies, but patients often need to limit activities and wear a brace for a certain period. Physical therapy may be recommended to help regain strength and flexibility.

Risks and Complications: While spinal fusion is generally safe, like any surgery, it carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, graft failure, or hardware-related complications. The success of fusion may vary among individuals.

Postoperative Care: Patients are typically advised to avoid heavy lifting, bending, or twisting during the initial stages of recovery.


What conditions are commonly treated with spinal fusion?
Spinal fusion is commonly used to treat conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, spinal deformities (e.g., scoliosis), and fractures that result in spinal instability.

How long does the spinal fusion surgery typically take?
The duration of spinal fusion surgery varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and the number of vertebrae involved. On average, it may take several hours.

What is the purpose of bone grafting in spinal fusion?
Bone grafting is a crucial aspect of spinal fusion. The graft provides a scaffold for the growth of new bone, facilitating the fusion of adjacent vertebrae and stabilizing the spine.

Are there different types of bone grafts used in spinal fusion?
Yes, there are different types of bone grafts used, including autograft (patient's own bone), allograft (donor bone), and synthetic bone substitutes. The choice depends on factors such as the patient's condition, surgeon preference, and availability.

Will I need metal implants during spinal fusion?
In many cases, metal implants such as screws, rods, and cages are used to stabilize the spine during the fusion process. These implants provide support and maintain proper alignment during the healing period.

How long does it take for the spine to fuse after surgery?
The fusion process varies among individuals, but it typically takes several months. During this time, the bone graft promotes the growth of new bone, ultimately fusing the adjacent vertebrae.

What are the risks and complications associated with spinal fusion?
Risks include infection, bleeding, graft failure, and hardware-related complications. The success of fusion may vary among individuals, and complications are generally rare but can occur.

What is the recovery process like after spinal fusion surgery?
Recovery involves a period of limited activities, and patients may need to wear a brace for support. Physical therapy is often recommended to help regain strength, flexibility, and mobility.

Can I resume normal activities after spinal fusion?
The timeline for resuming normal activities varies, and patients should follow their surgeon's guidance. Generally, a gradual return to normal activities is encouraged, taking into account the individual's progress.

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Remember that individual experiences and outcomes can vary, so it's crucial to consult with an specialist doctor to discuss your specific situation and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

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